Tuesday, September 18, 2012


More photos of women! In the last month and a half or so I have shot somewhere near 12 rolls of film. This is pretty spectacular for me since I think about film like I think about gold. I probably shot this much while I was in school, but maybe not with this much enthusiasm. I'm caught between the need to slow down because of money (the cost of film + processing), and my desire to keep going everyday because the amount of available light I have is dwindling. This is a new concept for me...sort of. While in school financial constraints were always present in terms of making things but time was always more of an issue. Now the issue becomes less about time (I only have personal deadlines) and more about losing light in the winter (but I know once spring comes I can continue on).. In the meantime though, life is still happening. This weekend I took a break from working on my projects to take toy camera photos at a wedding and to get my cat spayed (I feel too guilty leaving her alone to go shoot.)

at any rate, this is what I have been working on..

 To follow: There may be toy camera wedding photos to follow (it depends on how well they turn out... I know, I live dangerously) But to protect the dignity of my cat, there will be zero photos of her bald spots.